Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Costume Conundrum

Can you believe that it is already October? Wow! When did that happen?

Do you already know what are your kids going to be for Halloween? Or should I say, have your kids decided what they want to be for Halloween?

Last year we had the PERFECT costumes for the boys. Jacob HAD to be Buzz Lightyear and Ephraim was too young to care, so I dressed him up as Woody. Weren't they so stinking cute?

It wasn't too hard for Joe and me to come up with matching costumes. I think our family looked pretty awesome trick-or-treating last year.

So this year I have a little bit of a problem. Ephraim now has a mind of his own. He is no longer too young to care what he is for Halloween. He knows what he wants to be, which means that I can't just dress him however I want to without him throwing a fit about it.

This wouldn't really be a problem except for his choice of costume. You see, Jacob STILL wants to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween... no matter how much I've tried to talk him into something else. By now you've probably guessed what Ephraim wants to be.... Yep! Buzz Lightyear!

I thought about making one of them dress up as something else, but that just seams a bit mean. Who am I to say they can't both be Buzz?

So it looks like I will be trick-or-treating with a pair of Buzzes. Just don't get them started on who is the REAL Buzz Lightyear (ala Toy Story 2). Maybe I will just have to teach one of them to say "Buzz Lightyear al rescate!" and the other can say "Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!" That way I will have Spanish Buzz and English Buzz from Toy Story 3.

There is a bright side.... at least Joe and I can reuse our costumes too, right?

1 comment:

  1. I see nothing wrong with matching boy costumes. We do it all the time!
