Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tired boy, tired baby, tired mommy

This week on Sunday I woke up feeling a bit croaky. Of course I was singing in church that afternoon! Luckily my throat got feeling a bit better, and I think the song turned out pretty well.

Since then Amelia and I have been feeling a bit under the weather. My head is all congested and my voice sounds funny. Poor Amelia ended up with a runny nose and a cough. Add teething to that, and we have one miserable little girl! Poor thing.

She has not been sleeping or napping well, so yesterday after story time at the library when Karyn and I traded kids, I decided to go pick up Ephraim and drop off Micah. That way maybe Amelia would fall asleep in the van.

Well, it turns out that one of my kids did fall asleep... just not Amelia.

Ephraim was passed out cold when we got home. I carried him inside and set him on the couch. When I came back this is how I found him. Silly boy! Man, was it hard to wake him up.

I never did get Amelia to take a nap. She had a hard time getting to sleep last night too. It didn't matter whether I held her or put her in her bed, either way she was miserable. I think the congestion in her head was making her uncomfortable. Finally I ended up putting her in her carseat, and she settled down and fell asleep sometime around 1 a.m.

Hopefully we can both get feeling better soon and get more sleep!


  1. Oh, Ephraim is so cute when he's asleep. What am I talking about, he's always cute.

  2. I worked Ephraim hard at my house! I am such a slave driver! Sorry Amelia isn't sleeping for you. That's tough!

  3. I love how kids can sleep anywhere! I hope you all get feeling better soon!
