Saturday, November 5, 2011

Amelia in Disguise

This week was fun because we got to see Grandpa and Grandma Heiner twice! They went on a trip to Moab to go on a trail ride in their Razr. You can read about it on my Dad's new blog if you want. They stopped to spend the night at our house on their way to and from Moab.

So did I take any pictures of my kids having fun with Grandma and Grandpa? Nope! Silly me. I just took pictures of Amelia.

I was working on my photo scavenger hunt post, and one of the prompts was "disguise". So I for out one of the mustaches that Emily brought earlier this year and put it on Amelia. We all laughed so hard!

She was a bit puzzled about this fuzzy thing that was stuck on her face.

She kept putting her hand up there to rub it, which looked even more hilarious!

She was probably wondering why we were all laughing at her!

She was pretty good natured about it and left the mustache on for a few minutes. When she really started rubbing at it I took it off.

Thanks again for the mustaches, Aunt Emily! They are awesome and continue to keep us entertained!


  1. It was pretty funny watching Amelia with that mustache on her face. She sure is a good baby to just sit there while you took her picture. She was trying to figure out what the heck was on her face though.
