Thursday, November 17, 2011

Un*be*leaf *ble

Most of our trees have lost their leaves by now. Here is the tree that we take a picture of on our way home from Kindergarten. I have stopped taking a picture of it every day because now it pretty much looks the same... no leaves! But you can see in the background that Mount Timpanogos has snow on it!

Our yard is usually bare of leaves because Joe is really good about keeping up with yard work. However our neighbor has been a bit under the weather, so we decided to help her out and rake up her leaves. Of course the boys were all too happy to help, as long as they got to play in the leaves afterwards!

Jacob and Ephraim helped me rake up any remaining leaves in to the pile. Then they took turns running and jumping into the pile.

They always have so much energy that I did not mind raking up the pile of leaves over and over so they could keep running and jumping and hopefully burn off some of excess energy. Plus it was fun to watch them going at it.

I got some pretty good practice with my action photography as well. Here are a few of my favorites:

Look at how much air Jacob got on his leap! Wow! Then I told Ephraim to flop into the leaves face-first and he was more than happy to oblige.

Splat! Just look at the leaves go flying!

Jumping in the leaves is so much fun! My boys kept at it for at least an hour this afternoon, and that doesn't include the time they spent jumping last night. Jonah actually cried when he saw the leaves being put into the garbage can.

Silly boy!


  1. One of my favorite parts of fall when I was a little girl was to play in the leaves. Jacob and Ephraim playing in the leaves reminds me of how much fun I had.
