Saturday, November 12, 2011

Museum of Ancient Life with Cousins

This weekend Grandma and Aunt Deanna came to stay at our house Friday night. We planned to meet up with the Kirkhams and go to the Dinosaur museum together. Unfortunately some of the Kirkhams had fevers, so they didn't make it. What a bummer! But we still had a great time!

It was funny how much Amelia liked Aunt Deanna. She has hit the stage where she is not so sure about strangers, but she seemed to like Deanna right away.

She was content to sit with Deanna and watch her knit... and try to grab the needles once or twice!

We all had a great time at the dinosaur museum. The weather outside was yucky, so it was nice to have somewhere to go and something fun to do. They enjoyed the "Notion of Motion" exhibit that is at the museum right now.

It was fun to try to spin the balls and discs on this rotating circle.

Of course we had fun looking at all the fossils too. Here is a picture of Marisa, Jacob, Braydon, and Ephraim next to some Dimetrodon  fossils. I usually make my kids stop here for a picture when we come to the museum, I am not quite sure why.

Next we got to see the Supersaurus fossils. It is amazing to me just how BIG these dinosaurs were.

Here are the kids by the lower leg bone.

I love the hands-on activities at the museum. The kids had a great time putting together this supersaurus puzzle. It was on an enormous magnet board (which seems fitting).

And of course they LOVED the erosion table. Water, sand, dinosaurs and palm trees... what's not to love?

I think we spent well over a half hour here! They all had a great time!

We saw lots more great fossils, including the Tyrannosaurus Rexes and my favorite, the Archelon Ischyros which looks like an enormous sea turtle. Before leaving the museum, we had to stop and dig for dinosaur bones.

I think the kids could have stayed there for a long time, but unfortunately our visitors had to head for home (actually Logan, to go see the Kirkhams). Deanna took a picture of me with Amelia to prove that she and I were at the museum too.

1 comment:

  1. The museum was lots of fun, we had a really good time. It was fun bringing Deanna and her kids down for a visit.
