Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello March, Hello Sandbox!

I am so happy that March is finally here! January and February seem to drag on, as I wait for spring to arrive. Then March comes and the grass starts to turn green, my tulips and crocuses start to push up out of the dirt and I can see buds on the trees!

It is also warm enough that certain small people can play outside. Of course the first thing they want to do is play in the sandbox!

Who knew that when we bought our house that one of my favorite features would be the sandbox? The boys love to play out there and can keep themselves amused for quite some time, digging and building in the sand.

As you can see the sand is still a bit wet, but that doesn't deter the boys at all! I just rake up the sand a little for them so it is not so packed down and they get right to work.

Pretty soon it will be warm enough for us to go to the park during the day, which will be awesome! Jacob and Ephraim just love to be outside. Ephraim actually gets upset every time I tell him that we need to go back in! He has perfected his little pout and I really need to get a picture! When Ephraim doesn't like what you have told him he sticks his bottom lip out SO FAR! It doesn't work on me because I actually think it's kind of funny. :o)

The boys and I are looking forward to being outside a lot this summer.... it's almost here and I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Counting down the minutes to outside weather right along with you!
