Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday!

My little Ephraim... I can't believe that you are already two years old!

I look at you now and see a little boy now, instead of a baby! It is amazing all the things that you can do!

You are a boy who loves music. We often hear you singing throughout the day, songs like "Twinkle, Twinkle little Star" or "The Wheels on the Bus" or "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam" or "Book of Mormon Stories". It is so adorable! You love going to our Music Makers class, and I often hear you singing songs from class.

You are a boy who is not afraid of anything. Whenever you fall down or get hurt, you just shrug it off and get up and keep on going! You are a boy who follows his big brother everywhere and tries to do just what Jacob does. It is so fun to watch you play with Jacob, as you run around the house together giggling.

Jacob has always been fond of Teddy, but I think you prefer your blankies, which you call bimis. One of my favorite parts of going to work is when you come up to me to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I go. You give the best little kisses!

You love to play with cars and trucks. You love to dig in the sandbox with Jacob. I think you also enjoy dumping sand on his head or your own... but you know enough not to do it when mommy is looking! You love to run and skip and jump. You love to go down the slide and then run back up so you can go down again.

You are such a happy boy and have the best smile.  We love having you in our home!

We had a fun birthday celebration this year. In the morning we spent time with Grandma Heiner while Jacob was at playgroup. Then we all had lunch together and then it was naptime.

After Ephraim's nap in the afternoon, we headed to the Living Planet aquarium. We met up with the Smiths there, and the kids all had fun looking at the fishes.

Then we went out to a yummy dinner before heading home. The cake, ice cream, and birthday presents were waiting for us! We started with the presents, and Ephraim was really excited about unwrapping them this year.

As you can see from the picture below, Ephraim's two favorite presents were his Buzz Lightyear phone and his Woody doll. Ephraim loves to pull the string on Woody and has even been heard to say, "Yee-haw, Cowboy!".

He was excited to get all his fun presents. He loved the coloring book, crayons, movie, clothes, and was especially excited to get his own magnet book.

After the presents, we lit the candles on the cake. Ephraim thought the cake was really fun, and was excited to see the train on the top.

He blowed out the candles with some coaching from Jacob.

Then he was all about playing with the Percy train on the top of the cake, while mommy got cake and ice cream ready for everyone.

I think Ephraim had a really fun birthday. He loved his presents and spending time with his friends and family. Later in the day I caught him with a chair scooted over to check out his birthday sign. I knew this would be a perfect photo to end the day.

Happy Birthday Ephraim! We love you tons and bunches!

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