Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine Robots

Jacob was really excited about Valentine's Day this year. He told me that he wanted to make all his friends Valentines and take them cookies. I was planning on making sugar cookies anyway, so I figured we could find some fun, easy Valentine cards to make for his friends (like the ones we made for his grandparents).

Then when I was looking at Family Fun magazine, Jacob saw robot Valentines and decided that those were the ones he wanted to make for his friends. So we went to the store, got the supplies, and got busy.

I made the basic robot body, and then Jacob helped me put the candy and stickers on the robots using glue dots.

Of course we did this little project while Ephraim was asleep. Otherwise we would have had peanut butter cups and Lifesavers opened all over the place!

Jacob had a lot of fun making these robots. He even chose the candies that we used. Of course we had leftovers, and now Jacob loves what he calls "buttercups".


The robots turned out really cute, don't you think?

The robots weren't the only cute thing at our house that day. Check out the posing that Jacob did for me! What a cute boy!



  1. How creative and cute are you?! Maybe someday when I'm ambitious, I'll have to try to replicate those!

  2. I took a picture so that I can make them sometime too! Love the picture of Jacob at the end!
