Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Horsey Horsey

Every Wednesday Jacob gets to go to his preschool... and every Wednesday Ephraim gets upset because he doesn't get to go and play with the other kids too!

This week after we dropped Jacob off, Brenda suggested that we come with her and Ty to go look at the horses in her neighborhood. Since we didn't really have anything else spectacular planned, I said "sure" and we hopped in their car.

Usually Brenda and Ty watch the horses from in the car. But since we were all there we decided to get a closer look.

Ephraim and Ty were so cute watching the horses together. Ephraim kept saying, "Hi Horsey! Hi, Horsey!". It was pretty cute.

At first Ephraim didn't want to get really close. But after he got close with me holding him and saw me pet one of the horses, he decided that they must be ok.

 So he went right up to the fence and crouched down to get a closer look. I thought it was pretty cute.

It took Ty a little while to decide he wanted to go look at the horses up close too. I think that having Ephraim there probably helped a little bit, and Ty went closer to the fence to take a peek too.

Both the boys got their shoes pretty muddy. So we walked up and down the sidewalk a bit to get some of the mud off.

We actually ended up taking off the boys' shoes and put them in the trunk. Ty fell on his rear, so he ended up riding home without shoes or pants!

We may have to go visit the horses again because the boys had such a great time. Hopefully next time the ground will be a little less wet!

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