Monday, February 22, 2010

Snowy Sunday and the Dish Drying Dudes

On Sunday we woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground and on our driveway. We have had a really mild winter so far, which means there haven't been too many opportunities for the boys to help Daddy shovel. (Not that I'm complaining!).

So after Daddy went and shoveled the sidewalks at the church, Jacob got to go outside and help Daddy shovel our driveway before church.

Joe said that this time Jacob was actually pretty helpful. I think he is getting the hang of this shoveling business. It also probably helps that there wasn't too much snow for him to push.

Plus he's a pretty strong boy, right? (That's what he tells me!)

Ephraim would have liked to go help shovel too, but I knew there just wasn't enough time for me to get everyone ready for church if Ephraim went out too.

Ephraim did get to help me later though. For some reason both of the boys think it is SO fun to help Mommy dry the dishes.

So I have to set them both on a stool and give them an area to work on. I give them stuff to dry, and they stack it up when they are done with it. Jacob is getting pretty good at drying and I can even trust him with the big stuff.

Ephraim mostly gets to do measuring cups and little bowls and glasses. He doesn't care. He likes to be able to do whatever Jacob is doing.

It is nice when the boys help me because then all my dishes get dry and put away all at once. I don't usually have time to wash and dry the dishes at the same time. Good thing I have such cute helpers!

I guess now I just have to get them into sweeping the kitchen floor and then keeping my kitchen clean will be a snap. :o)


  1. What fun times you are having with those two boys!

  2. So cute and helpful! Can you come over and teach my girls to love doing the dishes??

  3. You can send those helpers my way anytime after dinner. I would love help with my dishes! So cute! I love that last picture!
