Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk

Today the weather was sunny and warm-ish (over 40 degrees). So I told the boys we could go outside and play. We got out the sidewalk chalk and a few yard toys and the boys had a great time.

Jacob really enjoyed playing with the sidewalk chalk. We were practicing letters and drawing pictures.


Of course you can't play with sidewalk chalk without getting a little bit on you!

The boys were both excited when I got out the lawnmower for them to play with. We had to be sure to take turns so that no one would get upset. They played pretty well together and totally made me laugh because they occasionally had to stop and check the gas. Occasionally they declared the gas tank "empty" and had to fill it up.

I am so excited for Spring and warmer weather. It will be so fun to be able to go to the park and let the boys play! I know they are looking forward to it too.



  1. What a fun mommy you are! Your pictures are beautiful and the boys adorable!!

  2. We want spring too! I love how creative kids are! Your boys are cute!
