Friday, February 19, 2010

Tool Men

This morning when I got Ephraim dressed I happened to put him in a pair of carpenter pants. Then when he was playing with tools a little later in the morning, I showed him how to put the hammer in his pant's loop.

Jacob and Ephraim both thought this was the coolest thing ever. As a matter of fact, I had to go to Jacob's room and find a pair of carpenter pants for him to wear! Good thing he had a pair too!

Then both boys proceeded to stuff as many tools as possible in their pants so they could carry them around and fix things for me. It was pretty cute and kept them both amused for quite some time.

It amazes me sometimes the things that boys like to pretend and play with. Since I grew up in a house full of girls, it is definitely different from the type of things I played with when I was little!

So what do you think? Do I have two little Tool men on my hands?


  1. Grandpa likes cargo pants because of the cool pockets down by his knees. He likes to put things in his pockets too.

  2. So fun! I bet they will want to wear those pants every day!
