Tuesday, February 16, 2010

President's Day

The day after Valentine's Day was President's Day. That meant that we all got to spend the day home together!

Too bad the weather was really wet and drizzly.

So we didn't really get to spend the day outside, but I don't think the boys really cared because they got to spend the day with Daddy.

Jacob helped Daddy out in the garage a little bit, washing and waxing the van. We also found something fun to keep the boys occupied AND quiet! It was amazing.


Jacob wanted to work on some puzzles, so I set him down at the table. That way Ephraim couldn't destroy his work. Then Ephraim came and told me "Puzzles too!". How can you say no to such a cute request? So I got some puzzles he could do and set them on the table too.

Both the boys sat there and worked on their puzzles for over a half hour while I cleaned. It was wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great that the boys are getting old enough to entertain themselves for a while? I love when I can get things done because they are busy. Yeah for you!
