Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Day Creations

It was the Sunday before Valentine's Day, so we decided that after church we would have some fun.But first I wanted to take some pictures of my cute boys. Doesn't Jacob look so handsome in a vest and a tie? He loves to wear a tie and look like Daddy. He also loves to wear sweaters over a button down shirt.

It is pretty funny how much Jacob likes clothes. He just loves to get new clothes, and every morning I let him pick out which shirt he is going to wear. Some days he gets really sad because Ephraim is wearing a shirt that he remembers loving "so much" and he doesn't get to wear it anymore.

I was getting Ephraim out of his church clothes, when he ran off on me. He thought it was hilarious to run around the house with only his pants on. Of course Jacob had to get in on the action, so then I had two shirtless Joes (haha). They even posed for me.

While Ephraim was asleep, Jacob and I decided to get started on our Valentine's cards. Jacob had been very excited about Valentine's Day. He wanted to make cards for everyone! So we got out all of Mommy's craft supplies and set up on the coffee table.

At first Jacob wanted to make cards just like mine. I told him he could make cards however he wanted too, but they inevitably looked just like Mommy's. He did all the gluing and placement, but he was copying my designs. It was kind of funny. So after we made a few cards, I left for a minute and let him do his own.

So when he started on his card for Daddy he got a little bit more creative, which I thought was great. He had me help him with the glue and told me what to write on the card.

When he was finished with Daddy's, Jacob said, "Now I need to make one for YOU, Mommy!"

So I gave him a blank card and he set to work. It was so funny because he kept telling me "No Peeking, Mommy!" Then he would tell me where to put dots of glue so he could glue on some buttons. Then he would tell me not to peek again! What a character!

The cards all turned out great, and I loved them! Jacob "surprised" me with my card three times that after noon. He would say, "Mommy, I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes!"

So I would close my eyes and he would give me my Valentine. Then he would ask me if I wanted him to read it. Of course I said yes, and he would read the card to me. It was always sometime like this: "To Mommy, From Jacob. I love you and you are my mommy and I will love you forever."


What a little sweetheart!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable, adorable, adorable!!! Valentine's really is the sweetest holiday and you made it extra special for your kids!
