Friday was a pretty busy day. In the morning I worked on finishing Joe's costume. I also had to run to the store and run some other errands. Then we came home and had lunch. After lunch the boys napped and I cooked a bunch of chicken while finishing Joe's costume.
Right after Joe came home from work we had dinner and then headed off to the Trunk-or-Treat that our ward was having at the church parking lot. Everyone thought that our costumes were great! Here is a picture of Jacob and Joe.

What fun, huh?
Afterwards we went to Melinda's house to show her our costumes. She took some pictures for us that turned out really nicely.

Hopefully you can tell that Joe is the Empire State Building, Jacob is King Kong, Ephraim is Superbaby, and I am Faye Ray/the damsel in distress.
Apparently King Kong picked me up and carried me to the top of the Empire State Building. Then Superbaby had to come and rescue me. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
The rest of our Halloween was pretty low-key. We let Jacob eat some of his candy, and then we all went to bed.
The next day was very busy for us. Joe went and helped a sister in our ward move while I took the boys to Super Saturday. I made a Family Home Evening board to help us remember to have FHE, and then worked on a Christmas present for my mom (no pictures because then it wouldn't be a surprise!). Technically I was supposed to leave my kids home, but they were pretty well-behaved during Super Saturday. Joe showed up so we all ate lunch at the church. Then we went home and put the boys to bed.
During their naps Joe went to look for some supplies to finish his outdoor projects while I worked on finishing up Christmas presents for all my nieces. Then Joe came back (empty-handed) and helped me hang up the FHE board that I made. He also helped with the Christmas presents.
Later in the evening our Stake held a Harvest Ball. I didn't think we would be able to go, but then last minute I was able to get Stacy to come and watch the boys for us. (Thanks Stacy!) She also picked up our recumbent exercise bike to use, since we are using our trainer now. It was fun to go to the dance with Joe even though there weren't a lot of people there. We enjoyed dancing together and chatting with the other couples. It was nice too because when we got home we got to set our clocks back an hour and thus get more sleep! I am glad that daylight savings time is over! Now I don't have to think about what time it is in Arizona whenever we go to call Joe's family!
How was your Halloween?
I love your costumes. You are so creative! And, I wish we had a trunk-or-treat in our neighborhood!