Friday, November 21, 2008

"I Gave Beeper Some Toys"

Ephraim is working on his two top teeth, so he has been a bit miserable lately. Consequently yesterday morning he woke up at 4 a.m. I gave him his binky so he would go back to sleep. That only lasted for about an hour. So I got up just after 5 a.m. and fed the poor boy.

Then I decided I might as well get up and ride on the bike trainer. I put in 20 miles and by the time I finished Jacob was downstairs with me. When I finished and Curious George was over, we went up and had breakfast.

Ephraim had just woken up, but he sounded happy. So I told Jacob I was going to take a quick shower. Jacob is a good boy and will generally read books or play with his toys while I am in the shower. I guess yesterday he decided to play with Ephraim and his toys.

When I got out of the shower, Jacob came and told me "Mommy, I gave Beeper some toys!"

I replied, "That's so nice! Thanks Jacob!"

After I was dressed I went to get Ephraim out of his crib. Here is the sight that I saw in his room.

Wow Mommy! Check out all these toys!

Apparently Jacob got Ephraim ALL the toys rather than just one of them. What a nice brother, huh? I couldn't help but laugh a bit at how cute Jacob is. Ephraim definitely would not have gotten bored!

Later in the day we went to Wee Read. Today they read about Thanksgiving, which I think Jacob enjoyed. He is really good about sitting on the carpet by himself now to listen to the stories. He doesn't even worry about where I am! Then we went and checked some books out. Jacob wanted a train book, since that is what they read last week... and he's been thinking about it since then apparently.

Jacob tells me that he wants a train book for Christmas... and a train. So far those are the only things that he has told me that he wants. I am sure that this Christmas is going to be fun for him now that he understands the whole concept of presents!


  1. LMAO! Kids never do things in moderation. I love it!

  2. Jacob is such a great helper. I am all for anything that keeps the kids happy while I am in the shower. I am trying to figure out what to do with Clara since she crawls into the bathroom now. She opens the shower curtain,therefore, drenching herself and the floor in the process! If it's not the curtain, then she is playing in the toilet. I am never going to be able to shower again! At least it feels like that sometimes.
