So here is the water pipe that Joe and Will dug out of our yard. Check out how corroded it is and look at that hole!

So yesterday by about 3:30 p.m. Joe and Will declared their work finished. They replaced the faulty pipe, and I was excited we would have running water any minute! So they went ahead and tightened the pipe into place.
Psssshhhhhh! Uh-Oh! The replacement pipe was fine, but now the pipe on the city's side of our water meter was leaking... a lot. Soon the hole they had dug filled up with water. So we got to call the city and let them know that they got to replace their pipe after all.

So they sent a crew right out. You would not believe how many different kinds of equipment it takes to dig up the road, dig up more of our lawn, suck up all the water and dirt, and replace a pipe. I will spare you the all the truck photos, but there were a lot more than this:

Wow! Check out all those trucks!
I had to leave for work while all the excitement was going on. When I got home last night we had WATER! Can I just tell you how amazing it is to turn on the tap and have water come out? To be able to take a shower, wash our hands, do laundry, turn on the dishwasher, and get a drink is WONDERFUL!
Speaking of which.... I have to go. I have stacks of dishes and laundry in my house that need to get done. Plus I'm feeling thirsty. Maybe I'll go get a drink of water!
Glad it's fixed. What a pain!!!