Melinda is pretty awesome too! She helped me get SO many cute pictues of the boys that I had a hard time just choosing one or two. So here are my favorites. Check out some of these great photos we got of my boys! Isn't Ephraim just the cutest Superbaby ever?

Of course Ephraim is my easy boy to photograph right now. We actually managed to get some really adorable pictures of Jacob too! I have decided that the next time we do family photos we are going to have Melinda take them for us. The boys are familiar with her, which makes them much more relaxed... especially Jacob.

After taking pictures we went to the library for Wee Read. Of course they talked about Halloween, which Jacob loved. They even gave us a treat at the end of class! This evening I am off to work. I almost wish I could stay home because I have so much to get done. I still need to finish Joe's costume and get everything ready for Halloween. We are going to have so much fun at the trunk-or-treat!
Honestly, your boys are so darling that it kills me!