Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How does your garden grow?

The weather has turned colder here in the past week. Now it gets down to the low 40s at night and only gets up to the 60s during the day. Before the end of the month we will probably have frost on the ground in the morning!

So we figure our little garden does not have much time left. This morning Jacob and I went outside to pick some tomatoes, peppers and zucchini while Ephraim was sleeping. Jacob was so cute I couldn't help running for the camera so I could take some photos.

Check out the size of that tomato! Isn't it gorgeous?
I hadn't checked on the zucchini in a while!
This one will probably end up as bread.

This next photo makes me laugh. I helped Jacob pick one of the bell peppers and he wanted to eat it right away. This kid loves salad a vegetables. Good thing I had my camera out!

It looks like I will be busy this weekend... probably making spaghetti sauce, freezing some peppers, and grating up zucchini. (Not to mention the 20 mile bike ride for breast cancer research that we are participating in!) Good thing the harvesting season is almost over!

Finally, here is another picture of Ephraim that I took about a week ago. He is such a cutie when he is sleeping.


  1. You have two of the cutest little teddy lover's I know.

  2. There is a book about giant vegetables you should get to read. I think the name is June 29,xxxx. I can't remember the year, but it is also a reading rainbow video that shows a man in Nova Scotia who grows giant pumpkins. Great to show Jacob if your library has a video. You might also see it on the computer if you search for reading rainbow shows. Enjoy the veggies!

  3. You are inspiring me to make sure I plant a garden next year. BTW, love the new background.
