Ephraim now has teeth! He didn't just grow one tooth, he decided to grow two at once. Isn't that lucky?
Earlier this week I was letting Ephraim gnaw on my finger. It was then that I felt something a bit pokey in there. So I felt around and sure enough, there were some sharp new teeth in there.
So I tipped Ephraim back and got him to let me take a peep. There they were! Two little teeth. Can you see them in this photo? You might have to click on it to get a good look (if you're interested, that is!)

Samantha just got her first two teeth too!! It was Shannon that discovered them right after the parade was over on Saturday. I still need to get a picture of them. I can see the teeth in there -of course I know what to look for! Love the photoshopping...maybe I will have to do that too!!