Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall photo tour

Today as I was getting the kids dressed I happened to search around in Jacob's closet. I saw a shirt that Joe's mom had given us that I thought would fit Jacob, even though it said it was 3T. So we tried it on.

Can you believe that once upon a time this was actually Joe's shirt? Now you can picture just what Joe looked like when he was a little boy!

I decided to take the boys out to run an errand or two before we went to the library for Wee Read. Unfortunately it was about then that Ephraim decided that he could use a nap.

I think the blankets won this time!

Ephraim woke up just in time for us to make it to Wee Read. Jacob loves listening to the stories and reading books with me when they are finished. Ephraim just hangs out in his car seat. He is a really good boy.

After the library we decided to take out the camera that I borrowed from my dad and take some pictures. Our first stop was by the temple.

I thought this photo turned out pretty well! We are going to have to come back next week and get our family pictures taken here. Won't that be nice?

While we were walking around I managed to get a good photo of Jacob. That is not an easy task these days. Every time I ask him to look at me he makes a funny face. It's even worse if I ask him to say "cheese"... then it looks like he is making a fearsome grimace. So I thought this picture was quite an accomplishment!

Not too far from the temple is a greenhouse that is selling pumpkins out front. I thought their display was so cute that I decided to stop and take a couple of pictures of the boys. I managed to get some absolutely adorable pictures of Ephraim. What do you think?

Check out those dimples!

Ephraim thought the straw was pretty interesting. He kept touching it and picking it up. So this was the best I could do with him on the ground!

Most of the pictures I took of Jacob had some interesting faces. The kids were getting tired and were ready to go home. So here is the best photo that I got of Jacob.

We may have to go back again sometime. We had fun walking around and looking at the pumpkins. Jacob was sad that we weren't going to take any of them home with us. We will definitely have to carve a pumpkin this year and show him what's in there. It should be fun!


  1. Thanks for the cute pictures of the boys. I have a picture of Braydon with the same look on his face. It must have something to do with two year old boys, they just stop being photogenic for a while.

  2. Loved seeing the t-shirt again. It brings back good memories for me.

  3. Alyssa is doing the exact same thing when I tell her to smile. Its driving me crazy! At least you got one good one of Jacob and those pictures of Ephraim are darling! I say we just go back there to take pictures next week if you want to.

  4. Those pictures are adorable, you did a great job! When your ready to start a photography business with me let me know. OH wait, except I don't have any experience, oh and wait I don't have a good camera. minor details. :) I do think it would be a super fun job though. Maybe someday.. I totally understand the not smiling thing. Brooklyn is too busy these days to stop and smile for a minute.

  5. Beautiful pictures! And darling boys!
