First thing Saturday morning Joe mowed the lawn while I got everyone ready for our family pictures. Cari came from Salt Lake and we went out to see if we could get a cute pictures of all of us.
It's a good thing Cari is a pro because otherwise I don't think we would have ended up with any good pictures. Jacob decided he DID NOT want his pictures taken, and that was that. He didn't want to sit by or near us, and it was really frustrating. The final straw was when Joe picked Jacob up to take him away and "chat" with him for a minute, causing Joe to step on his glasses and smush them flat. You can read my funny interpretation of the day and see pictures of the faces Jacob was making here.
We came home and everyone had lunch. Then Cari stuck around for a while and showed me how to do some cool stuff in Photoshop.
Later in the afternoon Joe worked on getting the oil changed in the cars. Of course Jacob wanted to help too. Check out our mechanic in the making!

Sunday was Ward Conference and it was a good meeting. After church and Joe's meeting I went visiting teaching. Then we had dinner and spent the evening together.
Yesterday I was working on getting the Anaheim peppers cut up and frozen, as well as doing laundry and working on cleaning up the house (as always!). It was such a nice day that Jacob and I went outside to play in the sandbox. He kept asking me to build castles for him, and then asking if he could "step on them". I guess that's a boy for you!
We kicked the ball around the yard for a while too. He thinks that is a ton of fun. While we were playing outside Ephraim was on the back porch in the walker that the Randalls loaned to us (thanks Randalls!). He has figured it out and was having a great time rolling around in it. Check it out.
I have the BEST Thai Chicken Noodle soup recipe with Anaheim Peppers in it...remind me to give it to you! And, I'm glad Ephraim is enjoying the walker.