Friday, October 12, 2012

Leaf Jumpers

One of my boys favorite things to do at Grandma and Grandpa Heiner's house (besides going on airplane rides) is to go on a ride in the Razr. They think it is SO fun!

Luckily Grandma was fine with taking them for a ride around the neighborhood.

They actually ended up taking two rides because they thought it was so much fun!

While they were gone, Amelia and I decided to find a rake and get busy. Grandma and Grandpa Heiner have lots of leaves, so we thought we would see how big of a pile of leaves we could make. Nothing says Fall quite like jumping into an enormous pile of leaves!

Our leaves are just barely starting to fall off the trees here, so we would end up with a pretty skimpy pile. Good thing we got to visit Grandma and Grandpa Heiner this weekend. They had TONS of leaves.

Jacob and Ephraim LOVED raking the leaves into a huge pile and then seeing just how high they could leap into the leaves.

Amelia wasn't so sure that jumping in the leaves was a good idea. She would scream, "Oh!" in alarm as the boys jumped into the crunchy leaves. Finally she decided that they were having so much fun that it couldn't be that bad. She didn't jump into the pile, but she did sit in it!

And that's pretty much all she did in the leaves! She sure was cute though.

My boys sure didn't sit in the pile for very long! I can't even remember how many times we raked the pile up big again so they could jump in.

I got some awesome pictures of the boys jumping really high!

I had so much fun taking pictures and helping the boys rake the leaves back into the pile. It made me happy to watch them enjoy themselves so much.

Amelia was funny. She just sat in the pile. Eventually she decided to taste the leaves! Yuck!

I love Fall! Sometimes I wish it could stay a little longer, but I guess then it would lose some of its magic. We are lucky because there are parts of Fall we will get to experience twice. You can bet that when our leaves fall off the trees we will be raking, and leaping and laughing all over again!

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