Saturday, July 14, 2012

How does your garden grow?

Summer this year started off a bit cooler, so it took a while for our garden to take off. This weekend I took a look around the garden and we are finally getting some good produce!

Joe has picked quite a few zucchini and squash. Just look at how big they are!

Ephraim and Jacob were happy to hold my veggies so I could take pictures. They are both wearing the new shirts we got on clearance at Kohls. On Thursday after story time we went and had lunch with Daddy. Then I took the kids shopping. Definitely not my favorite thing to do, but Jacob really needed some shorts his size. He only had 2 pairs that fit and he had still been squeezing into a couple of size 4, which just won't work anymore. So we bought Jacob 3 new pairs of shorts, both the boys got a shirt off the clearance rack, and I just couldn't pass up a shirt and shorts for Amelia. By the time we tried on all that stuff, Amelia was DONE. So I didn't even get to look and see if they had any cute clothes for me! *sigh* We had to head home.

Anyway, back to the garden. This year we actually decided to try to grow a cauliflower and broccoli. When I looked this weekend, this is what I saw:

That is a cauliflower down there! We were starting to wonder if the plants were going to grow anything! I really need to spend some time in the garden weeding, but that gets hard with three littles. I really should pick some of the yummy raspberries and strawberries out there.

Maybe I will have to start working on it during Amelia's nap time. The problem is that we are trying to get her to only take one nap now. When I put her down in the morning she tends to sleep too long and then she won't take an afternoon nap. But I guess I will just have to do it in the afternoon even though it's hot!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your garden is doing well. It's fun to eat what you've grown. We really enjoyed the squash you gave us.
