Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday at the splash pad (again!)

What a bunch of crazies we are! This week the kids and I went to the splash pad in Alpine twice! The second time we brought our new neighbors and met Karyn and her kids there. It was pretty funny because I was there with Karen and Karyn, since my new neighbor is named Karen!

We had a great time at the splash pad. It was nice for me to have friends to chat with while the kids played in the water.

Here is Jacob and Lily under the "umbrella". It continues to be a favorite, along with the "car wash". I don't think I have really posted a picture of the car wash before, so here it is:

Jacob walked through just as it was turning off! It can spray a lot more than this! My favorite continues to be the buckets. They are just fun!

I also love that Amelia is not afraid of getting wet. She plays in the water and has a great time. Here she is warming up in her towel on the cement.

We were happy to have friends at the splash pad! Jacob and Ephraim are having a lot of fun playing with their new friends and neighbors, Logan and Jeremiah. They are 8 and 10 years old, respectively, but they seem to enjoy playing with our boys. I guess it would be like having younger brothers.

We also had fun playing with Karyn's kids. Here are Lily and Micah playing with the water cannons. You can also see Jacob in the background.

We are so glad to have discovered the splash pad. It is summer fun that is fantastic and free! What more could you ask for?

1 comment:

  1. I don't often find Amelia looking like her brothers, but that pic of her sunning herself looks just like Jacob! What fun! We'll have to try that splash pad sometime.
