Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Amelia at 16 months

Well, I have been meaning to take pictures of a Amelia for quite some time! I don't think I really have any since she turned one. This is probably because it is SO HARD to get good pictures of her right now. First of all, she refuses to look at the camera most of the time. When she does look at the camera, I can almost NEVER get her to smile. Silly girl.

With that said, I decided to give it a try this morning. I really need pictures of Amelia to go with the portraits that I just took of the boys. So I got her dressed up and we headed out to the same location.

We started out with a chair to see if that would give her something to play with. This is a pretty good picture of Amelia, even though she isn't smiling.

The chair was working out pretty well, I thought I might even get a smile for a second.

Then she fell off the chair! Good thing it was a kid-sized chair. So we moved to another spot and I was the one using the chair. Here is another almost-smile.

I was trying to play peek-a-boo with her around the door frame, but I didn't have her fooled! She knew I was just trying to get her to smile.

I actually like this next picture, even though she isn't looking at me. Isn't her outfit so dang cute? I love the hair clips too.

When i finally did get her to smile at me, her face was a little more shaded than I would have liked. But after some editing they are not too bad.

So I think these pictures are not too bad for a first try. I really wish that the last two pictures of her smiling had lighting more like the third picture I posted. I know I got some decent pictures, but I am a bit of a perfectionist so I think I may give it one more try!

I would like to attempt to get a decent picture of my three kids together, so I may try a few of Amelia again then. I actually brought the boys along for this shoot and let them sit in the van and play the iPad while I took Amelia's pictures. But by the time we were done with Amelia's pictures, she was pretty much done. I took a few pictures, but nothing that I really love. Ah well, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!


  1. Good job! I think all kids have a rough photo stage...you're in good company!

  2. Your photo's of Amelia are great, I really like them a lot. My favorite one is the last one, but I like the one above it and the first one in the door frame. You did a great job.
