Saturday, July 28, 2012

Amelia in the Tub

This week for a photo scavenger hunt I was trying to get a picture of "eyelashes". So while Amelia was in the tub I must have taken 80 pictures of her, trying to get one where he eyelashes were in focus. This one is my favorite:

I also caught some other fun pictures of my little girl. I decided that I actually don't just sit and take pictures of her very often. So I am trying to get my camera out more so she will get used to it.

Amelia loves taking baths. She would probably take a bath every single day if I let her!

The only problem is that I keep having to tell her to sit down! Silly girl!

I recently re-figured out how to set my custom white balance, which is so nice because then these pictures didn't turn out some funny color and I hardly had to edit them at all. Hooray!

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