Thursday, April 5, 2012

Look Mommy! No training wheels!

Guess who has figured out how to ride his bike without training wheels?!

Go Jacob!

I have known for a while now that he was ready, we just haven't gotten around to taking the training wheels off. Then this afternoon the boys went to ride their bikes with the Davis boys over at the church. Brancy Davis told me that it seemed like Jacob was ready to have the training wheels off and asked if I minded if she took them off. I told her that would be fine!

She worked with him for a little while, and before long he got the hang of it. Since I had finally gotten Amelia down for her nap, I ran over to the church watch him for a minute.

He did such a great job! He is really confident and rides really well. The hardest part is getting going, and he did fall once and scrape his elbow while I was watching. But we patched him up and he got right back on his bike and rode it! I have a feeling some little boy is going to want to ride his bike a bit more often now!

The only problem now is that Ephraim thinks he needs a two-wheeled bike with training wheels!

1 comment:

  1. YAY Jacob! The freedom of being able to ride a bike is the best! Nice work!!!
