Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

When I asked Jacob what we should get Daddy for his birthday, he said, "I thought we got Daddy a new iPad!". While that was true, I did not want his birthday to pass without him getting ANYTHING! So while we were in Logan we came up with some fun things to give him.

First we got him some hot sauce. Daddy likes it hot, so we got some Buffalo flavored Tobasco and some other hot sauce the Kirkham's recommended.

Then we gave Daddy my favorite present.

One of the reasons that I went to Logan was so Jeanette could show me how to use heat transfer vinyl. I made Joe a shirt that has a road bike on the front, and an evolution of man on the back. Except in this version the last step in the evolution chart is a man on a bike. Plus the two letter O's in evolution are bike gears. It is pretty cool and I am glad Joe liked it!

So it was a pretty laid back birthday. We did not go out to dinner like we usually do because Joe has had a cold and did not feel up to going out. Plus he had to teach class on his birthday. So he stayed home in the morning so he could spend time with the kids and we could open presents. Then he went to work and worked until later.

Amelia's favorite part of Daddy's birthday was the wrapping paper.

Joe had really been enjoying his iPad, which was his real birthday present. I am really glad that we were able to use our tax return and get him one!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Joe's birthday was a good one. It's good for the kids to give Daddy gifts
