Monday, September 25, 2006

Family Photos, Fall 2006

Dear Jacob,

Well, we have had our first official family photos taken. On Saturday we drove up Provo Canyon to a church-owned family camp called Aspen Grove, and my friend Cari took some photos for us. It was really pretty in the canyon, and the leaves are just starting to change. I love this time of year. It rained a lot during the past week, but Saturday was a gorgeous day.

Here are some of my favorite pictures:

Later on Saturday daddy was working on the attic, so I took you with me to the Relief Society session of general conference. You were asleep when we arrived, and got pretty upset when you woke up not knowing where you were. But as soon as I fed you and held you, then everything was o.k. The ladies at our table were all talking, and you tried to join in. They all thought you were adorable. Then we watched the broadcast in the chapel, and you fell asleep in my arms. I love holding you when you are asleep. It gives me such a peaceful, happy feeling.

On Sunday evening your grandparents dropped by to spent the night on their way to California. They were surprised by how much you have grown. They had fun holding you and playing with you. I can tell that like me, Grandpa and Grandma Heiner absolutely adore you.

In the last week we noticed that you have figured out how to bounce yourself in your bouncy chair. You just kick your little left leg until the chair gets going. Then you stop kicking until the chair stops moving. Then you start kicking again. What a smart boy you are!

Daddy and I have also started to sign to you. I think that you are starting to understand the sign for milk because whenever we make that sign, you get excited. It will be nice to be able to communicate with you before you learn to talk, like Aunt Jeanette did with Kaylee. Then we will know what you need, and how to make you happy.

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