Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Jacob at Four Months

Dear Jacob,

You just turned four months old. It is hard for me to imagine that just a year ago we discovered that we were going to have a baby. I know that it is such a cliché, but I can’t believe how quickly time is passing and how fast you are growing. At the same time, it feels as though you have been a part of me forever. I cannot conceive of a time when you were not in existence. When I think back on the past, before you were born, I feel your presence lurking behind the scenes. I am not sure how to reconcile these two conflicting feelings-- of you having just been born, yet having been here forever.

You are such a happy and contented boy. I love the way your face lights up when you smile, and I especially love that you do it whenever your daddy or I play or talk to you. Sometimes when you are upset or sad, all we have to do is talk to you and then you try to smile at the same time you are complaining to us. It is really adorable.
You love looking at the world around you. Whenever we take you for a walk in the Snugli, you look around at the world with your big eyes. You seem to be very inquisitive and curious about your environment, and I’m sure you will be quite the explorer as soon as you can move yourself around. For now you are content to explore your world by putting anything and everything into your mouth.

You sleep at night as well as I could ever hope for a 4 month old to sleep. You consistently sleep at night from 9:30 pm to 7:00am, waking up occasionally to have daddy give you back your binky, but falling right back to sleep You sleep with your arms extended to the sides, and it makes me wonder if you are flying in your dreams. Your beautiful little face is one of the last things that I see before I go to bed, and I always give you a kiss before I leave in the morning. When you wake up, you greet the day with enthusiastic babbling. As soon as we come to get you from your crib, you give us the biggest smile and kick your legs excitedly. Most of the time you have kicked off your covers during the night, and we sometimes find you with your feet straight up in the air. I love my Mr. Happy Pants.

I love that you are starting to vocalize more. It is so fun to have “conversations” with you, and listen as you test out your voice. You get so excited when you babble, it is adorable. Sometimes you seem to want to talk to us so badly, and it makes me wonder what you would tell us if you could.

We love you so much, and are so glad that you are a part of our lives. You are such a sweetheart, and I’m glad I get to watch you grow.

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