Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Tricycle Gang

We had just sat down to eat lunch today when the doorbell rang. It was the delivery man with a really big box for Ephraim!

Apparently Grandpa Devereaux noticed while he was here that both of the boys prefer to ride Jacob's red Schwinn tricycle over the other ones we have. They sometimes argued over who got to ride it, and they often had to take turns. So Grandpa got Ephraim a tricycle of his very own! Hooray!

Ephraim instantly knew that this box was for him. He kept saying, "my bike!" over and over again. It was really cute.

After lunch (and haircuts) Daddy put the trike together. Now Jacob and Ephraim have matching tricycles, and they are both really excited about it.

Aren't they just too stinking cute? Now we have our very own tricycle gang!

Ephraim really love his "blue bike". The nice thing is that we can have the seat moved up on his bike so he can reach the pedals. Jacob's bike has the seat back a little bit because he has longer legs.

We took tons of pictures of the boys on their trikes. Aren't they cute? I love the matching trikes!

Obviously I'm not the only one who thinks the blue trike is pretty awesome!

Uh-oh! If they are not on the trikes, then the gang must be up to something!

Ephraim didn't want to have to take his nap this afternoon, but we told him he could ride his trike again after dinner. So he finally agreed. Of course after dinner the first thing they wanted to do was get back outside!
There they go! Watch out for the Tricycle Gang!

You'll know when they are coming. You will hear the bbrring-ring! of their little bells as they pedal themselves down the sidewalk.

What a pair of cuties! Thanks for the trikes Grandpa Devereaux!


  1. What a pair of speedy bikers or should I say trikers!
    Would you email me the first picture of the two of them together looking at you? I'd like to put it on as wallpaper.

  2. These pictures are adorable! You gotta love a Grandpa who spoils his boys! It's great that they match. We just had to get Lily a new scooter because Micah needed one that was faster to keep up with the other kids. Great post, Deb!

  3. SO FUN!! Love the pictures and the memories.
