Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jiminy Cricket!

While picking fruit earlier in the week we caught this little guy.

Today we decided to let him go. I thought he might just hop away, but surprisingly he actually stayed put on Jacob's hand. He had a great time watching the grasshopper crawl all over his hands...

 ... right up until it pinched his hand with it's mandibles. Then the fun was over! I was pretty sure Jacob was not mortally wounded, but he cried and howled and said "Mommy, I never want to catch another grasshopper ever again!".

Somehow, probably because he is a boy, this statement just made me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Sara asked me the other day if a grasshopper could hurt her. I didn't know how to answer. But, now I do! Thank you, Mommy of Boys, for knowing the important things!
