Friday, August 6, 2010

Pool Pictures, Butterflies and the Painted Daddy

The boys have really been enjoying swimming lessons. I know I have posted tons of pictures of them already, but they are just so cute that I can't help myself. Here are a few cute ones of Ephraim and Clara at the deep end.

I love that they are the only two cuties in their class. This last session of the year is not as crowded as our last one was.

Jacob is making great progress. Here does front and back floats pretty well now.

I think we are going to try to go swimming more this winter so the boys can keep up their skills. I know they would love it anyway!

Ephraim's class passed by Jacob when he was the "alligator" for a game. So I managed to get both boys in the same picture. Cute, huh?

Speaking of which, here are Jacob and Micah coming out of the pool after lessons.
They are so goofy! It makes me laugh, but at least they are having fun, right?

Thursday before I left for work their was a break in all the stormy weather we've been having. So we decided to let our last two butterflies go. They have laid tons of little mint green eggs, so we'll see if they turn into caterpillars and we can start all over again. This time Jacob decided that he was brave enough to let the butterflies crawl around on his face so I could take pictures.

The above is my favorite picture. I love the way he is watching the butterfly on his forehead. I got quite a few cute pictures.

Today at swimming lessons Jacob was really excited that they got to make a "train" and go to the deep end. He has been waiting all week to get to go.

Jacob jumped in the pool from the deep end three times. The last time he even told his teacher he wanted to go all the way under the water. When he did it she told him "great job" and that he was her little daredevil. Way to go Jacob!

Tonight and Wednesday night this week Joe has been busy helping a neighbor with his shed. They have been doing shingles and painting. Friday evening when Joe came home he looked like a lightly powdered donut because of all the paint from our paint sprayer.

I thought his eyelashes looked particularly cool.

I went out to the garage so I could hang out with Joe while he cleaned up the paint sprayer. I have missed him this week, since we haven't been home together in the evenings very much. I am looking forward to the weekend so that hopefully we can spend some time together.


  1. I'm glad the butterflies have been such a big hit.
    Would you email me the picture of the boys together in the swimming pool?

  2. Great pictures! The butterflies look like they have been fun! Go Jacob!
