Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Working Weekend, Wacky weather

What a busy weekend! We always seem to have so much to do! This weekend we got everything finished with the garden (and when I say we, I mostly mean Joe!). Check out how awesome all the tomato and pepper cages look.

I had to take pictures because it is like some kind of wire sculpture. I thought it looked cool.

I love the drip irrigation system that Joe has set up because it means that the plants get watered, but very little else does. So we don't get very many weeds, which is SO nice!

Then on Sunday we were all just hanging around. Daddy and the boys were watching some video clips on the computer and I thought they were so cute, so I got out my camera and took some random pictures.

This picture made me laugh because Ephraim and Daddy are making nearly the same gesture with their hand. It was so cute! As the boys grow up I can see little bits of Mommy and Daddy in their mannerisms and looks, which is fun to watch.

Then on Monday morning I woke up to the most horrifying thing ever. SNOW at the end of May?!?! I almost thought I was hallucinating! Nope the grass was covered.

So were the plants and my poor flowers!

So my project for the morning was to go outside and cover up all the little tomato and pepper plants. Luckily we have a lot of tarps because it was a lot of ground to cover! I ended up covering the tops of the cages with tarps. Then I realized I should shake the snow off the poor, cold plants. They were looking kind of droopy. So I got to crawl under the tarps and give them a little shake. That was so fun! But the plants all seemed to do better after that. By evening the snow had stopped and most of the slush had melted. We ended up making newspaper coverings for all our plants that night, which took quite a while.

Fortunately all of our tomato and pepper plants seem to be just fine. Unfortunately our apricot tree has not been so lucky this spring. We had SO many little apricots on the tree, but now most of them have started to shrivel up. It has just been too cold for them! Hopefully we will still get a few, but not nearly as many as we would have. The weather has just been really strange this spring!

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