Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gardening by Moonlight, Jacob at the Dr.'s Office and the Hot Mommy

Wednesday evening I had to go to work. I really enjoy working at the library once a week or so, and it's nice to know that the boys are being well taken care of at home. I think the boys enjoy the time they get to spend alone with their Daddy.

So when I got home, I saw the most unusual thing out in our garden.

In case you can't tell, that is Joe! He is out in the garden, getting the drip system set up by lamplight. The funny thing is that I got my camera and went to try to get some pictures, and he never even heard me because he was listening to music on his iPod. Isn't he just the cutest thing? Thanks Honey for working so hard to get our garden up and running!

Then on Thursday we went to the Doctor's office for Jacob's four year well visit. His appointment went really well. Doctor Arnold said that Jacob is growing just fine and is ahead developmentally. Jacob even sat up on the exam table by himself while Doctor Arnold checked out his eyes, ears, etc. What a brave boy!

When Doctor Arnold blew a puff of air into Jacob's ears to look at his eardrums he said to Jacob, "Did you feel that little tickle? Is there a dinosaur in there?" To which Jacob replied, "It's just air!" in a tone of voice that implied that Doctor Arnold was being silly. It was so hilarious. Doctor Arnold just laughed and said, "You are too smart for me!".

So here are Jacob's stats:
height: 39 1/2 inches (40th percentile)
weight: 35 pounds (35th percentile)

Doctor Arnold said if Jacob keeps growing on his present curve, then he will be about 5'8 or 5'9 when he grows up. That is taller than Joe and me, so I guess that's pretty good.

When we finished up at the doctor's office we went over and played at the Smiths house for a while. Jacob and Ephraim really like to play with Alyssa and Ty. The kids had a great time but before long it was time to head home for lunch.

After lunch I started to feel yucky. My head and my muscles were all achy. By the time Ephraim went down for his nap I was really not feeling good. I ended up going upstairs to crash on my bed for a while. Jacob was a really good boy until Daddy got home. By that point I had a pretty high fever (100.5 degrees) and felt all icky. Not nauseous, just extremely tired and achy.  Good thing I already had dinner all made!

We ate dinner and I spent most of the evening on the couch. I don't get sick very often, so the boys didn't really quite understand what was going on. They kept coming up and asking me to read books to them. Then they both wanted to "cuddle" with me.

What a pair of goofy boys I've got! At least I know I'm loved, right?


  1. Oh...yummy snuggles! Too cute!

  2. Sorry you were sick! That's never fun! I am glad Jacob's healthy and strong. That's always what one wants to hear at the doctor's office.
