Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday and the Dandelion Boys

Sunday was a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky, and it's been a while since we can say that! So we decided to walk to church.

The boys were both so handsome in their church shirts, slacks and shoes. Daddy was in the lead with the boys in the middle, and I was bringing up the rear. As we walked along, the boys stopped to pick up white fluffy dandelions.

Of course they picked up the dandelions so they could blow the seeds off of them and watch them swirl away. But as Ephraim picked his dandelion, he clutched it tightly in his hand and them hurried to catch up with daddy... scattering all the seeds as he went.

It was the absolute cutest thing ever. Then just as Ephraim was hurrying to catch up to Daddy, Jacob reached up to hold my hand. It was one of those moments where my heart nearly burst with the love that I have for these two little boys and their Daddy.

I just wanted to hang on to that moment...  I know that one day my boys will be all grown up. They won't want to pick dandelions anymore, or even hold Mommy's hand in public.

But for now, and forever in my memory, they will be my two little tow-headed boys. Picking dandelions and scattering the seeds as they go.

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