Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ephraim's Crayon Incident (April 8)

Well, it seems that Ephraim has finally had his turn to color on the walls. You may recall that Jacob did it once. I was hoping that with his older brother for a good example we could skip this childhood rite of passage. But I guess not!

I was busy cleaning up the kitchen and Ephraim proudly came into the room and told me "crayon... pishurs!". I instantly suspected there would be trouble and I said, "Uh-oh!What did you color on Ephraim?" It wasn't too hard to find:

He colored on the walls a little bit and a couple of the doors in the living room. What do you think of his art work?

Of course we had the discussion about how coloring on the walls is a no-no and we only color on paper. Then I had Ephraim try to clean the crayon off the walls. Of course it didn't come off easily for him, and his cleaning efforts didn't last very long... but I think I got the point across. Look at the face Ephraim gives me when he gets in trouble:

Could that bottom lip stick out any further?! It's as if he is saying "How could you be upset with this face?"

What a cute boy!

1 comment:

  1. What is it with 2 year olds and crayon on the walls? I think it must be a rite of passage!
