Friday, April 9, 2010

SLC Trip and the Backwards Pants (April 9)

Friday morning the boys and I decided to go an do something fun. So we drove to Sandy to visit my college friend Cari. We hadn't seen each other in a while, so it was nice to visit. We went to the park for a while, but it was a bit cold and breezy. So we ended up at Cari's house.

Cari works for a vinyl company, so she gets good deals on their products. One of the coolest things I have seen was the chalkboard vinyl that she had covering one entire wall of her house. The boys thought it was the greatest thing!

Jacob loved to write on the walls and then erase them.

Ephraim had a good time writing on the walls too! After his crayon incident the other day, I was just hoping that he wouldn't get confused about it being o.k. to write on Cari's walls, but not on ours!

Then Jacob decided that he needed to color his hands too. He didn't do this by erasing the walls with his hands... no! He actually used the chalk to color his hands blue. What a nut!

We actually had an ulterior motive for going to SLC. We actually wanted to go to REI to get a birthday present for Daddy. So we stopped there on the way home.

It was a pretty good day. Later we were playing around and I took this cute picture of Ephraim. I just laughed at the way he held up the school bus for me to take a picture of it!

Then after Ephraim woke up from his afternoon nap I noticed a little something amiss with the way he was dressed.

You got it... Ephraim's pants are on backwards! Since he is only two, still in diapers, and can't exactly dress himself, I think we all know who is to blame!

Seeing Ephraim running around with his pants on wrong totally cracked me up so I had to get out my camera. I was laughing even harder when he totally didn't understand that I wanted to take a picture of his rear end, so he kept looking right at me and saying "cheese!". My kids are too well-trained!

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