Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Games We Play on Sunday

Sunday afternoons while Ephraim is napping, Jacob often asks me to play games with him. So today while we were playing Candy Land I gave my camera to Joe to take a couple of pictures.
We had a fun time playing Candy Land. There may even have been a bit of goofing off going on.

Have you ever noticed that kids like to play games... as long as they are winning? Jacob won the first round and beat me pretty soundly (notice that I am blue above and he is moving his red man). Then on the second game I actually dared to win.

This turn of events was not well received, and SOMEBODY didn't want to play with me anymore. I guess winning is kind of important when you are only three years old.

Oh well. At least there is always Daddy to smooth things over. Especially when he cheats, but not in his own behalf. What a great Daddy!

Later in the afternoon when Ephraim was awake we decided to go outside and play with Bubbles for a little while to help work off some energy. The boys had a great time popping the bubbles that Mommy and Daddy were blowing.

It can be kind of hard to get pictures of little boys when they are moving SO fast!

I guess getting them moving was the whole point, right?

Ah well, at least they were having fun... and the bubbles never had a chance!

1 comment:

  1. I need a fence so we can go outside and pop bubbles on Sundays too. That looks like a wonderful time!
