Monday, May 5, 2008

I Want to Ride my Bicycle

Friday morning the FedEx man came to our door with a package. I knew that it was his birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma Devereaux, so I signed for it and he brought in the box. Once Jacob saw the box there was no containing his excitement. He ran around for several minutes saying "Jacob's bike" over and over again. It was so cute that I finally ran and got the camera and took this video.

I don't think he was excited at all, what do you think?
So when Daddy got home from work he got to hear all about the bike in the box, and he put it together so Jacob could try it out. There was no way we could make Jacob wait until his birthday to open the box and ride his bike... especially after he saw the picture on the box!

Jacob loves the bell on his bike. Here is a video of him ringing the bell and telling us how he is going to ride his bike down town. I don't know where he got that from, but it's pretty funny.

He hasn't quite figured out the whole pedaling thing, but luckily our driveway has a slope to it so he can coast his way down it. I'm sure he'll figure out the whole pedaling thing in no time. Here is Jacob "riding" his bike down the driveway.

Hopefully by the time Grandpa and Grandma Devereaux come visit for Ephraim's baby blessing he can show them how he can pedal himself around the driveway and sidewalks. I can't believe how fast Jacob is growing up. I remember when he first started walking, and now he has a bicycle! They grow up so fast!


  1. Hi Deborah,

    Those video's were so cute! Your Dad and I smiled all the way through them.

    Love ya,

  2. He is so cute! We'll have to have a bike riding party wtih the kids.... Love, Brenda

  3. Very cute Deb!
    Jacob is getting so big...I can't believe he and James are 2 already! Ephraim is a doll to.

  4. I'll ride down town with Jacob.
