Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's My Party and I'll Play if I Want to!

My little boy had his second birthday yesterday. We have reached the point where we no longer count his age in months... now we start counting in years. It is a transition that will take a little while for me to get used to and somehow it is a reminder that the time we've shared with Jacob has gone by so quickly!

Since we don't really have any family living close by we decided to have a birthday party for Jacob so he could spend part of his day playing with his friends. Since Jacob loves the Disney/Pixar movie "CARS" (what little boy doesn't?) we decided to have a CARS themed party. Jacob has been telling me for weeks "want Mack truck for birthday!" and "want Mater for birthday!". So we made the invitations, made CARS coloring books for his guests, got the CARS paper plates and tablecloth, and we were all set.

Jacob helped me decorate for the party in the morning and he was SO excited. This was the day he had been waiting for. I told him that it was his birthday and he told me "have ice cream for birthday!" and "have cupcakes for birthday!". We have been telling him for a couple of weeks that he would be two on his birthday and he has already caught on. I asked him how old he was today and he said "two!".

He could not wait to have his friends come and play. We had a fabulous turnout. I was pleasantly surprised when everyone we invited came to the party! It was so much fun. We bought some new toys for the sandbox and it was a popular spot during the party.

Here is a picture of Trevor, Brooklyn, Micah and Jacob playing in the sand.

Here are some more sandbox photos (Brooklyn on the left and Alyssa on the right). Isn't Brooklyn hilarious? Don't let her fool you, she dumped the sand on her own head!

The kids also had fun playing with the bubble wands that we gave them. Jacob especially liked his bubble wand and played with it for a long time (there is almost no soap left in it!)

The kids had fun going down the slides and playing with Jacob's cars and other toys too. Here is Jacob going down the slide and Trevor pushing Jacob's car.

At times there was even a lineup for the slide. Here is Brooklyn, Alyssa, and Kyle by the little slide. The other picture is Caleb going down the big slide.

We had fun in the sun and enjoyed the pizza, cupcakes, and ice cream. Jacob especially enjoyed his cupcake. Isn't he a cutie?

Jacob had fun opening his presents. It didn't take long before the other kids started to enjoy opening his presents too! :o)

Jacob had a great time at his party, and loved all of his gifts. Thanks to everyone who came and made Jacob's birthday so much fun!

After almost everyone had left Jacob was still playing in the sand with his new tractor and digger. Alyssa and Brenda stayed for a little while longer and Alyssa played with Jacob in the sand. At one point Alyssa tried to carry off the digger and Jacob got upset about it. It was actually pretty funny.

I had the hardest time getting Jacob to come into the house and take a nap after all the excitement of his birthday party. He just wanted to stay outside and play with his new toys.

We are so happy to have Jacob as part of our family. He is so smart and has a great sense of humor. He is going to be a great big brother and we are excited to get to be here to watch him learn and grow. We love you Jacob!


  1. What fun! Wish I could have been there. I'm glad glad you had such a good time!

    Love ya, Mom

  2. Fun party. He's getting so big. It's fun though!!
