Saturday, May 17, 2008

Doctor! Doctor ! Give me the news....

On Friday I got to take both of my boys to the Doctor's office for their well child visits. Ephraim had his two month appointment and Jacob had his two year appointment.

We have a terrific pediatrician. The only downside is that he is extremely popular so you have to schedule way in advance to get the appointment time you want. Since I had to reschedule to get both appointments in at the same time, we ended up with a 2:00 p.m. appointment... right during Jacob's naptime. That combined with the fact that both boys would be getting shots had me SO excited for this appointment, let me tell you...

I didn't tell Jacob that we were going to the Doctor's office. I figured, why have him stress about it all day, right? The instant we walked into the building Jacob started whining. He knew EXACTLY where he was, and he wasn't very excited about it.

Luckily they called us back to an exam room right away. The rest of the appointment went pretty well. Jacob wasn't very excited about being "all naked" but he got to watch Ephraim get measured first, so he was pretty much ok with it. Here is how the boys stack up:


height: 34 inches (35th percentile)
weight: 26.4 lbs (28th percentile)
head circ: 49 cm (57th percentile)

height: 22 1/2 in (15th percentile)
weight: 12.2 lbs (43rd percentile)
head circ: 41 cm (59th percentile)

Doctor Arnold said that both the boys are doing well. I was absolutely amazed that Ephraim already weighs 12 pounds! Apparently he is not only healthy, he also has a healthy appetite! When I told Joe, he said that Ephraim is our chubby bubby. :o)

We also discussed Jacob, who was talking the entire appointment. Doctor Arnold was amazed at his language skills and said that he is really far ahead developmentally. Jacob knows all his colors and is starting to put together really long sentences (6 to 7 words). I was a bit worried because Jacob has been stuttering a bit lately, but Dr. Arnold said it is a common problem that usually happens around 2 1/2 to 3 years old. Jacob has more receptive language than expressive language... so sometimes his brain is ahead of his ability to speak, which causes him to stutter. I was relieved to hear that it will go away on its own.

Then came the fun part... the shots. The doctor leaves and a nurse comes in to give the shots. By the time the nurse came in Jacob already had his shirt and socks on. He wanted me to dress him completely, but I knew they would need his legs bare. Luckily he only got one shot and he took it pretty well (which may have had something to do with the sucker I gave him).

Poor Ephraim got 4 shots. He didn't really get upset until the last two and I can't blame him at all. I HATE needles. I had given both the boys Tylenol, so they did pretty well the rest of the day. They both took naps when we got home and I was so relieved. Ephraim was a bit cranky in the evening, but then he slept through the night again last night (after waking up the past 4 or 5 days) so I can't complain!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for healthy boys! They are adorable. Nice work keeping them so good, Mommy!
