Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

I had the best Mother's Day weekend! It actually started on Thursday evening when I got home from work. Joe surprised me by installing our new faucet while I was away. Our old faucet was old, leaky, and disgusting-looking. The arm of the old faucet was also closer to the bottom of the sink, which made it hard to wash long or tall items (ie. cookie sheets, stock pots). This new faucet will be great (and isn't it pretty?... so shiny!), thanks Honey!

Of course I didn't just get a faucet for Mother's Day...
there was much more to come. First on Friday my new stroller arrived! I was so excited! My mom decided that I needed a double stroller so I can take my boys on walks, so we picked one out together. Saturday morning Joe put it together for me and I have to say, I LOVE this stroller. It is so nice to be able to put both the boys in the stroller and go for a walk. Jacob loves being able to climb in and take a ride, and Ephraim was certainly comfy and completely oblivious in his car seat.

At first I thought the steering handles looked a little bizarre, but they are great. It makes the stroller so easy to turn! Plus it isn't very wide, which is nice. We went for a walk with the new stroller and had a great time. The only unfortunate thing is that none of my friends were outside to show the stroller to. I guess most people aren't up as early on the weekends as we are.

Saturday morning Jacob also helped Joe wash the car. Here is a cute video of Jacob being helpful.

We had a fun and productive day. We were supposed to go get family pictures taken, but unfortunately had to cancel. I was going to make a special meal for my photographer friend, so I made it anyway. We had some kebabs and fruit salad which were great! I am definitely going to have to make these again. Wouldn't you want to eat these kebabs?

We borrowed our neighbor's truck and took some items to DI and then picked up our new windows. Joe let Jacob ride in the truck from our neighbors house to 
our house, and then Jacob didn't want to get out of the truck. As a matter of fact, when Joe got him out of the truck he was so sad! So Joe put him back in the truck. I think he sat in there for at least 20 minutes. We kept asking him if he wanted to get out, and he said no. What a funny boy!

Mother's Day was fun too. Every time I went to sit down at the table there was another book there! Joe got me three fun books that I am looking forward to reading... including "It's OK to take a Nap" and "Piggyback Rides and Slippery Slides- How to Have fun Raising First-rate Children". I'll let you know how I like them.

I also got my first Mother's Day gift from one of my boys. Jacob made me the cutest pipe-cleaner flower in Nursery. He was SO excited to give it to me and my heart nearly melted... what a sweet boy!

Here is a picture I took today of my other cute boy. Don't you think I am a lucky mommy?

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh


  1. Happy Mother's Day. I'm glad the faucet wasn't the only gift you got.

  2. Happy Mother's Day! And yes, I would definitely want to eat those kebabs!
