Friday, July 15, 2011

Last Day of Swim Lessons: the Slide!!!

Today was the last day of swimming lessons and the boys were excited because they knew it meant they got to go down the slide! So they were very motivated to get ready so we would make it to the pool on time.

We were actually early, so here are Ephraim and Clara playing with duckies on the side of the pool.

Ephraim's class was in the first group to go down the slide. He was SO excited and absolutely loved it!

He got to go down a few times and would have gone again if there had been more time!

Jacob was in the next group to go down the slide. He was really hoping that he would be tall enough to go down by himself.

Unfortunately he was just a little bit too short! So he had to go down the slide with his teacher.

Poor Jacob only got to go down the slide once, which he was a little disappointed about. He was also sad because he broke his goggles today. But regardless, you can tell that he still had a great day at the pool!


  1. It looks like the boys have had a great time at swimming lessons. It's sure nice they can learn to swim when they're young.

  2. That's a great picture of Jacob at the end of this post! I am impressed at how well you keep up with blogging. All these posts about swim lessons are wonderful. Thanks again for letting me take pictures on your camera. They came out so much better than mine did!
