We already had a bed frame, since we bought a bunk bed frame when Jacob got his big boy bed. So all we had to do was go get a mattress and get everything put together.
Getting the mattress was an adventure, since we don't own a pickup truck. Good thing Joe is good with ropes! Yep... that was us you saw driving down the street with a mattress tied to the roof of our car!
Joe thought it would be funny to put Ephraim on top of his mattress on the car so I could take a picture. Doesn't he look like he's having fun?
Daddy spent the better part of an Saturday evening getting the beds all put together. He actually took apart Jacob's bed and put it in Ephraim's room, since that is the top bunk frame and it already has a railing. Then he put the bottom bunk frame together in Jacob's room.
I'm glad Daddy's thinking ahead because when the boys share a room later on, all we will have to do is move Ephraim's bed and put it on top of Jacob's bed. Of course then they will end up switching beds again... but whatever!
So while Joe got the beds together it was my job to keep the boys amused. So I put them in some of their favorite pajamas and we played around.

He had a hard time figuring out how to get his legs to go over at first, but now he is getting pretty good at it!
Aren't these two boys so cute?! They just love their new pajamas. Jacob always wants to be Buzz Lightyear, and if he's Buzz then he doesn't want Ephraim to be Buzz too. But as you can see he also doesn't mind being Woody sometimes.
Daddy got the bed done and Ephraim thought his new bed was pretty cool! He loved the ladder.He actually has adapted to his big boy bed beautifully. I guess even though 19 months old seems a bit young to me, Ephraim was ready for it. I don't know if I was really ready for it though... he still looks so little when he is on that big bed!
I can't believe Ephraim is so big. He is adorable in that big bed!