So far the conference is going well. Joe took a certification test on Monday and passed! Way to go Honey! He is now VM Certified, which is nice because he could relax and enjoy the rest of the conference. After the test Joe got to do some sight-seeing. Yesterday he called me from the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge. I was a little bit jealous and wished that I could have done some pre-conference sight-seeing with him.
Alas! Someone has to stay home to watch the boys. They know that Daddy is not home, so they seem to need a little bit more watching than usual.
Monday morning when I got out of the shower this is the sight that greeted me. It was funny and absolutely not funny all at the same time. Since I didn't know whether to laugh or be frustrated, I walked into the bedroom, got my camera and took some photos. That made me feel better!

Monday evening I had to work at the library, but the Webster's were kind enough to watch the boys for me. Jacob and Ephraim had a great time because they love Will and Deborah. We will sure miss them when they move away!
Those are great pictures! Good luck without the hubby!