So Alyssa and Jacob played for a bit afterwards. As we were leaving Brenda said it would be o.k. if we took a few peaches to make jam with. While I was out getting the peaches I ended up with a little bug in my sack.
I was excited to show the bug to Jacob. He instantly liked it and wanted to take it home. Brenda definitely didn't object to that, so here is Jacob's new "pet".

I have since asked Jacob if we could let the bug go, but that suggestion made him break down into tears. So for now the bug is in the jar with some leaves to eat. I am going to have to figure out what to do with him soon though!
We had a fun morning, but that evening everything seemed to go wrong. We were going to go out to eat- just Mommy and the boys- and the restaurant turned out to be a complete dive. The food wasn't good and it wasn't easy trying to feed the boys and myself at the same time. Then I had decided to go to Kohls because I wanted to look at some clothes.
Have you ever tried clothes shopping with two little boys? I don't recommend it! So I ended up heading home without buying anything and I was so frustrated! When I talked to my mom that evening she said she wanted to come visit just for a day, and I didn't take too much convincing. I was excited to have another adult in the house and I knew we would have fun with Grandma Heiner.
So this morning we went to play with the Randalls. It has been a while since we went over there and the boys were excited. I had a great time visiting with Melinda and before long my mom showed up. She got to meet Melinda and see her cute baby. Then we went home and Grandma and Ephraim had nap time while I worked and Jacob had quiet time. We had a fun evening with Grandma Heiner and even got to do a little shopping!
Too bad Grandma has to leave tomorrow around noon, but then we get to go pick up Daddy from the airport! The boys are so excited to see Daddy!!
Yay! I'm glad you got to do some shopping. And I'm glad I got to meet your mom!