Often when one of us gets back from riding,Joe and I will discuss how our ride went. Apparently Jacob has been paying attention to our little exchanges more than I had imagined!
Yesterday afternoon Jacob and I were out in the front yard. He was riding his tricycle down the sidewalk to the neighbor's driveway and back, while I watched him and folded some laundry.

After a minute Jacob pedaled up to me and we had a little chat.
Jacob: Mommy, I won the race!
Me: Great job!
Jacob: Did you see the other bicycle riders? They were trying to pass me, but I went around them and I won!
Me: You were pretty fast.
Jacob: Phew! It was hot out there today!
Me: It was?
Jacob: Yep. I burned 75 calories.
Me: Wow, that's a lot
How hilarious is that?!
Do you think he will grow up to be a cyclist too?

Later that evening I took the boys on a walk and we went to the parking lot of the new church. We really went so that I could take a picture of the mountains. Fall is on it's way, don't you think?

Jacob basically ran circles around me while I tried to take his picture. He was having a great time!

Ephraim got out of the stroller too, and the boys ran out some of their abundant energy. Then they stopped to pose on some rocks for me. So what do you think? Do these boys have the same profile?

This weekend Joe and I are doing our last century ride of the year (that's 100 miles!). It will be my third one this year, just before my birthday on Sunday! I hope the ride goes well (and my birthday too!).
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