Monday, September 28, 2009

Heber Century- This is the Ride that Never Ends!

On Saturday Joe, my Dad and I headed up to Heber to ride the Heber Century. Last year Joe and I did 67 miles on this ride, and this year we signed up to do the century together. My Dad was determined to do the 50 mile ride and get up the big hill this year!

My Mom couldn't ride this year because of her double knee replacement surgery, but she was kind enough to stay home and watch Jacob and Ephraim for us. (Thanks Mom!)

The day started out a bit cool, but it turned out to be a nice day. This was the most challenging century ride Joe and I did this summer. The ride starts out fairly easy... for the first 20 miles or so. Then you hit the BIG hill. Joe was nice enough to ride nearly the entire ride with me, even though he is faster than I am and definitely better at climbing hills!

He even took some spectacular shots of me while he was waiting for me at the top. You can't tell from this picture, but this hill was about six miles of 8% grade or so. It was tough!

At least the scenery is nice while you are pedaling slowly up the mountain!

Then you get to the rest stop at the top of the hill and you think, "Hooray! I made it to the top!" Then you turn the corner and see one more big hill!

The entire ride was hill after hill after hill! We rode from Heber City and up through Francis, Oakley and a bunch of other little towns. Then Joe and I rode clear up to Coalville before heading back. I swear it seemed like this ride was uphill... both ways! But Joe stuck in there with me. Isn't he a cutie?

My dad finished his ride before Joe and I did (Way to go Dad!). My mom drove the boys up to Heber City in the car to hang out with my Dad and come see Joe and I finish. They caught up with us at the rest stop about 80 miles into the ride. I knew I was holding Joe back, especially since this ride had SO MANY HILLS. So I cut him loose at mile 80 and let him go at his own speed. I figured spending most of the day with me was birthday present enough. Plus he was there to cheer me on when I finished.

Joe did 105 miles, and I did about 102.5. Why the discrepancy? Well... you have to go up the back side of the HUGE hill that we went up at the beginning of the ride. I just didn't have the legs for it, and I knew it would take me another 40 minutes and everyone would be waiting for me. So I got a 2 mile "lift" from Mom and Dad to the top of the hill.

Even though I took a short break, I have to say that riding a century ride certainly gives you a feeling of accomplishment! It also gives you a whole bunch of sore muscles... not to mention a sore tush! I think after doing a ride like this any cyclist deserves to park themselves under this sign temporarily:

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